Thursday, September 24, 2009

Flammin' Hot Cheetos.........

I am sure that all of us have been addicted at some point to the Flammin’ Hot Cheetos. I know I was when I was in Elementary school but I got over them after realizing that it was giving me a stomached and that it is not good for your health. Now in days I do not eat them.

Well, their are these four little girls that range from three to seven years old who are my neighbor’s daughter, everyday when I get home from school or work I see them each with a bag of Flammin’ Hot Cheetos. (Reminds me of me when I was small) I mean literally everyday, I do not know what are their parents thinking by allowing them to eat this or if they are blind or they just do not care as long as their daughters are not bugging them. But it is not only kids who eat this Hot Cheetos like crazy; I have this co-worker who is always eating this cheetos after finishing her meal for lunch. I even have this friend who has a one in a half year old son who I have seen eating Flammin’ Hot Cheetos with out hesitating. Can you believe this? I was shock when I saw him the first time eating them. So why do you think many kids as well as adults crave Flammin’ Hot Cheetos? It seems as if they have some sort of ingredient to make you addicted to them.

They eat them as if it is the last thing they will eat in their life. I have seen kids as well as adults add to their Flammin Hot Cheetos certain foods to add a better taste. I have seen them eat the Flammin’ Hot Cheetos with lemon or in Cup noodles or even in hot dogs. I guess that the Flammin’ Hot Cheetos are not spicy enough or some just like it even more spicy that they add a Mexican hot sauce called Tapatio or pure chilly powder or Baby Lucas or even Chamoy. Just image the stomached they must get after eating this Flammin’ Hot Cheetos or is it that their stomach have gotten use to it. There is even ice cream truck’s and candy houses that sell chili cheese Hot Cheetos with jalapenos if desired.

Even though the kids and adults get a runny nose after eating them for a while due to their spiciness they still continue to eat them. Most of them eat them one at a time and like to hear that crunchy sound of each and even lick the chilly powder off each but they save the red spicy powder left from all the Hot Cheetos on their fingers to last. After licking their fingers and enjoying that satisfying taste, they clean their hands on anything they have on their sight such as their cloth or chairs. Maybe what brings the kids attractions is that red colored left on their mouth and tongue as well as their fingers. On the other hand to the adults I think the attractions has to due with the spicy flavored. Whether it is the red colored left on your body or that spicy taste that makes your ears tingle or the crunchiness, it can be really addicttive to crave Flammin' Hot Cheetos from toddlers all they way to adults.

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